issue i: april 2023.
what is a zine?

Thursday, April 13, 2023
"dude, you keep saying join the zine club this make a zine that but i don't actually know what a zine is!!"
fret not, young college prep student. this incredibly meta zine will clear up all of your confusions about zines. for example, how do you pronounce it? which seam do you cut to make it look like a booklet? what is even the point in making a zine?
photos of each page will arrive as soon as sarai figures out how to do that in wix :).
sarai brown ratner

Thursday, April 13, 2023
have you ever wanted to know about the music tastes of the three coolest cats in school? (of course you have.) if so, this zine is right up your alley.
all about music
lanna supertramps guide to living
sarai brown ratner, sophia liu, and lanna antebi-igei
lanna antebi-igei
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
a guide to living. an ode to growing up.

things that make me happy
Friday, April 14, 2023
a wondrous combination of style and texture- the artist here succeeds in depicting the simplest, happiest things in life with a touch of homeliness. a tribute to joy.

noemie nguyen
Friday, April 14, 2023
this artist pairs beautiful pieces of the wind, earth, and sky with almost ethereal wording.
sexual health
sarai brown ratner
Friday, April 14, 2023
[original poem by the artist!]
for all of my adolescence
i felt that i was missing a fundamental feeling
others had
not necessarily happiness
(i am a relatively happy person)
but desire like a cold stream
to want others
it was like being deaf without ever knowing sound existed
until people tell you the sound of the birds calling, cars going by, a loved one laughing
and you desperately force your ears to hear
but i don’t think i am missing out
because, i have the capability to
love love love so fiercely
because trees and cars and you can be so easy to love
even if i am deaf to desire

my anxiety
alessandra sabelli
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
a note from the author: "a quick glance into my personal experience living with anxiety... helping myself process and accept some rough moments lately and hopefully helping others who don't share this experience build a little understanding. if you also have anxiety, you're valid and not alone! hang in there."

at the table with a cat
sophia liu
Friday, April 14, 2023
a touching piece on growing up, graduating, all while chatting with a cat.

why you should shave your head
sophia hesseltine
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
A compelling piece on why you should shave your head. This artist uses humor and artful mixed media to create a playful, creative zine.

how to commit tax fraud
Friday, April 20, 2023
NOTE: Zine Club does not condone committing tax fraud or any financial fraud against the federal government. Maybe.